Attorney, author & retirement counsellor
Allan Gold BA BCL
- Attorney, author, retirement counselor and lecturer
- Attorney for 40+ years; practice areas: commercial-corporate, civil/elder law, litigation, etc.
- Graduate of MCGILL UNIVERSITY, one of North America’s leading universities
- Governor (former) of the FONDATION DU BARREAU DU QUÉBEC
- Member of the Consultative Committee on Long-Term Care (former), CENTRE DE SANTE ET DE SERVICES SOCIAUX (CSSS) CAVENDISH/HEALTH AND SOCIAL SERVICES CENTRE CAVENDISH, Montreal, Quebec, Canada.
- Board member at the JULIUS RICHARDSON HOSPITAL FOUNDATION, Montreal, Quebec, Canada
- Passionate on the subject of life of those 45 and better
- Author of the ground breaking (2,500+ page) legal text, Elder Law in Canada* ELIC* (published by Practitioners’ Press Inc.), acquired by legal libraries, Bar Associations, and Law Schools. For testimonials, excerpts etc, or to order, please visit
- Author of Estate Document Professor* EDP* speaking about greater estate preparedness, covering: Last will and testament (will); Power of attorney (POA); Advance medical directive (living will); Trust; Organ donation consent; Estate Inventory and Distribution Survey
- Panelist at conference titled, « Soirée d’information et de réflexion VIVRE ET MOURIR DANS LA DIGNITÉ » presented on May 25th 2011 by
- Presenter of Memorandum (written & oral) to the « COMMISSION SPÉCIALE SUR LA QUESTION DE MOURIR DANS LA DIGNITÉ », L’ASSEMBLÉE NATIONALE – QUÉBEC, February 2011
- Speaker at SYNAGOGUE COUNCIL OF GREATER MONTREAL, Quebec, Canada, Dec, 2009;
- Speaker at the “Transformation Through Lifelong Learning: a Path to Change” Conference of QUEBEC ASSOCIATION FOR ADULT LEARNING (QAAL) March 2009/ Montreal, Canada – Seminar: “45+ Learning: Why? And why now?*”
- Presenter at the CANADIAN CONFERENCE ON ELDER LAW, November 2008/Vancouver, Canada – Paper: “Guardianship, the Good, the Bad and the Ugly*”
- Speaker at MOUNT ROYAL SERVICES, November 2008/ Montreal, Canada – Seminar: “Retiring Successfully*”
- Interviewed and featured in Mike Boone’s column of the MONTREAL GAZETTE November 2008/Montreal, Canada
- Featured in 2008 as regards Elder Law in Canada* in “Le Monde Juridique, le Magazine des Juristes du Québec”
- Speaker at several workshops for near-retirees of BELL CANADA (organized by the Diane King Group), 2000/Montreal, Canada -Lecture: “Founding and operating a new small business”
- Speaker at meeting of PADGETT BUSINESS SERVICES, an international accounting franchise, November 1999/Montreal, Canada -Lecture: “Unanimous Shareholders’ Agreements”
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